Thank you to the Committee for inviting me to judge deerhounds and to all the exhibitors who brought their dogs for me to go over. A really lovely entry and I thoroughly enjoyed the day.
J: (5, 3). A very promising class of youngsters who were all a bit skittish on the day! 1: Pink’s Greyhawk’s Romanie Drom. A strong, well balanced young dog of 17 months. Good head with dark eye and well set neat ears. Strong neck leading into well laid shoulders. Return of upper arm ok. Good strong bone throughout. Excellent depth of chest and good spring of rib. Good rise over a very strong loin for his age. Good width behind and strong, well muscled quarters with well let down hocks. Held his topline well on the move and strode out well with good reach and drive. A very promising youngster. 2. Bond’s Regalflight Rueben. Beautiful nine-month puppy dog with a gorgeous head and super profile – well balanced, good length and strong. Strong neck leading into excellent shoulders. Good deep chest, excellent spring of rib and a strong loin. Well muscled quarters which clearly powered his movement which was strong and true with excellent reach, drive and fluidity. A lovely boy with such potential. BP, PGp 3. 3. Taylor’s Hoddingrey Peregrine
PG: (6). A lovely class with some quality dogs. 1: Greenhalgh’s Regalflight Poacher at Leksmoor. Promising young male, 22 months. Good head, with well set ears, dark eye and nice expression. Strong neck leading into well laid shoulders. Good depth of chest and strong bone. Adequate spring of rib, good length of loin. Strong, well muscled hind quarters and well let down hocks. Movement was fluid and held the topline well. Good reach and drive. RBoB. 2. Girling’s Pyefleet Timothy. 15-month old dog who held his own in this class. Sweet head with very kind expression. Well laid shoulders, excellent spring of rib, strong loin with good length. Well muscled quarters which showed on the move as he strode out well with good reach and drive. Another very promising youngster. 3. Shannon’s Erewhon Wanton Flame
O: (3). Another lovely class with some quality hounds. 1: Girling’s Pyefleet Scrumpie. Lovely bitch, well balanced, feminine and shapely in profile. Lovely head with good neck leading into well laid shoulders. Nice deep chest, good bone throughout. Topline rising nicely over a well muscled loin. Good angulation at rear with strong second thigh. She moved with purpose, had good reach and drive and held her beautiful topline all the way round. Fluid and well balanced both standing and on the move. A joy to watch. BoB, Hound Gp 3. 2. Churchill’s Lealla Lephin. Another quality dog, similar in type to 1. Well balanced with nice head and neat ears. Strong neck and well angulated shoulders. Good overall length with strong loin and well angulated quarters. Moved well but with not quite the drive of 1 on the day. 3. Shannon’s Erewhon Celestial Fire.
Mary Ann Stuart (Ollandsheart) |